Female "Blazer" Blazer is super sweet with a gentle temperament, she does love to play and loves water, she was raised around chihuahuas and she's great with dogs of all ages and sizes, she's watchful of the property and will bark when needed, very smart and athletic. |
Sire |
Video of Blazer
Certified Super Esco |
Rosales Blue Geisha |
Great Grandparents
Certified Some Big Thick Meat |
Certified's Super Blue |
Royal Blood Line King Lion |
Rosales Mystic Blue |
Great Great Grandparents
Certified Black Shaq |
Eagle Rock's Queen Blue |
Certified's Big Psycho Unit |
Certified's Cooley High |
Able Paws Talka The Town |
Cervantes Deja Vu Queen |
Great Great Great Grandparents
Dela Cruz Rocky | |